The main differentiation between conventional and electric vehicles is the mechanism of converting stored energy into kinetic force.
This energy is retained in a chemical form in conventional cars and released by a chemical change inside the cylinder. Electric cars, on the other hand, despite possessing chemically stored power, release it electrochemically without any type of burning.
This means that no gasoline is burned…
In Europe, the Combustion Engine Is Doomed
The EU governments have decided that sales of gasoline-powered automobiles and vans would cease in 2035.
The decision is a significant step toward enacting a historic law that will eliminate all emissions from new automobiles. After the European Parliament’s vote in favor earlier this month, authorities will shortly open negotiations with MEPs on the actual legislation, but the result is a virtual certainty.
European Countries Quarrel with the United States over Biofuels
The G7 leaders met in the Bavarian Alps to address the ramifications of the Ukraine conflict and two of the world’s other most important issues: climate change and agricultural production.
With grain shipments currently stranded in Ukraine, conversations shifted to how the entire globe could free up resources in the face of scarcity and rising food costs.
Earlier this week, UK Prime …
Conflicts Over Vegetable Oil in Biofuels
In May 2022 European supermarket chains started to unveil the unimaginable. Vegetable oils would perhaps be scarce. The sight of empty shelves propelled the Ukraine conflict to the attention of shoppers from Paris to London.
It becomes a matter of priority in times of scarcity. Ukraine contributes to more than 40% of worldwide sunflower oil sales and is Europe’s top foreign producer of rapeseed oil.